Interactive Exhibition

Touching permitted

Touching is expressly permitted on the MS Wissenschaft! Here, it is not (only) a matter of looking and marvelling, but also of trying things out and participating. Interactive exhibits invite people of all ages to become active themselves, deal with a question and get to the bottom of things.

And what if something is unclear? Then you can turn to our pilots: Young scientists or students accompany the exhibition at MS Wissenschaft and have an answer to (almost) every question.

The exhibition shows about 25 exhibits. Many of them are built by research institutions and universities — and offer first-hand science.

Ein Bildschirm zeigt dieLänder auf der Erde. Besucherin berührt Bildschirm und bekommt Informationen zum jeweiligen Land.
Ein Exponat an Bord der MS Wissenschaft: Ein Fahrtsimulator, in dem gerade ein Schüler sitzt. Mehrere Schüler stehen um das Exponat herum.
silhouette MS-Wissenschaft
2024 – Wissenschaft im Dialog